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Accessing the RiverLands

The Chattahoochee RiverLands will connect communities along the river and the metro region
Connected trails, new parks, and an active public realm will provide opportunities for better health, physical activity, transportation, private reflection, and community cohesion. Thoughtful improvements in existing spaces and new connections will transform park and trail access for all.

With 25 new or improved river crossings, the Greenway maximizes connectivity between river parks, river communities, river destinations, and the waterway itself. In its current form, the Greenway is a continuous 125-mile multi-modal trail that follows the River and connects 19 cities across seven counties. The RiverLands will be accessible to more than one million residents of the Metro Atlanta Region in only a 15-minute bike ride. With 25 new trailheads proposed along its course, the Greenway has been carefully designed to balance needs for access and conservation.

Moving forward, there are several trailhead guidelines that can help establish what amenities work best in specific contexts. Amenities such as trailheads and water access points will help to draw people into the RiverLands system and provide parking, bike repair stations, water refills and restrooms. The Project Team recommends establishing two standard types of trailhead – one geared toward pedestrian access, and one geared toward vehicular access. Each should identify preferred features that suit the RiverLands and local context such as gateway markers, information kiosks, vehicular- and/or pedestrian-scale entry signs, directional signage, interpretive signs, seating (formal and/or informal), shade structures or trees, parking at major trailheads, and where appropriate, comfort stations with plumbing.