Chattahoochee Riverkeeper Paddle Cleanup in Chattahoochee Hills
03.08.25| 8:00AM
The Chattahoochee Camp+Paddle Trail once completed will connect 5 sites and 4 jurisdictions along 48 miles of river for 4 Days & 3 Nights of Connected Recreation. In partnership with the City of Atlanta, Fulton County, the City of Chattahoochee Hills, and Carroll County, and with a $2.2 million Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program Grant from Georgia Department of Natural Resources, we identified a launch site, three priority campsites, and a takeout site.
Chattahoochee Hills will be home to two of the five Chattahoochee Camp+Paddle Trail sites set to open Summer 2024. One of those sites is an existing park, Campbellton Park, will feature new amenities such as a beautifully designed restroom and shower pavilion, trails, primitive campsites, and a new pollinator garden. The other site, RiverLands Park, where the groundbreaking ceremony will take place, will open to the public next year as a new park in Chattahoochee Hills and will feature similar amenities as Campbellton, along with a new kayak launch.
We cant wait to see these features come to life!