Volunteer: Habitat Restoration Planting Workday at Campbellton Park

Campbellton Park GA, United States

Join Trust for Public Land and the Birds Georgia Habitat Team for a planting workday at Campbellton Park in Chattahoochee Hills. 02/17/2024 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET Register: https://birdsgeorgia.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/birdsgeorgia/eventRegistration.jsp?event=7208&

Chattahoochee Brick Community Education Series

Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum 441 John Lewis Freedom Parkway Northeast, Atlanta, United States

This seminar will give an overview of the project and how to get involved in the upcoming process to transform the site from its former use to one that not […]

Volunteer: Habitat Restoration Planting Workday at New RiverLands Park

RiverLands Park in Chattahoochee Hills 8661 Campbellton Redwine Rd, Palmetto, GA, United States

Join Trust for Public Land & the Birds Georgia Habitat Team for a planting workday at New RiverLands Park. 03/23/2024 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET Registration link : Birds […]