Neighborhood Planning Unit Meetings

The Chattahoochee RiverLands Team presented the Chattahoochee RiverLands Greenway Study at four of Atlanta’s Neighborhood Planning Units (NPU) this Summer. The purpose of these presentations was to proactively involve and seek feedback from community members living along the River who were not able to attend the Chattahoochee RiverLands Public Forums earlier in June.
NPU A, D, G and H line the River’s east bank within The Urban Core (Sub-Area 2), situated between the Atlanta water intake area and located just south of I-20. NPU G and NPU H were identified by the 2017 Atlanta Regional Commission’s Environmental Justice Model as areas that may have disproportionately high health or environmental burdens compared to adjacent areas. The Chattahoochee RiverLands Team has taken time to attend and present at these meetings, with the goal of ensuring community members that had not been reached by prior advertising of the Public Forums (or were otherwise unable to attend) had a chance to learn about and contribute to the project at their local NPU meeting.
NPU A Meeting on August 6th, 2019:
- The NPU-A meeting was attended by Walt Ray (Trust for Public Land, Project Management Team), Erin Thoresen (Gresham Smith, Design Team) and Dr. Richard Milligan from the Design Team;
- The meeting was primarily committee members and a few additional applicants;
- At the request of the Chairperson, Erin Thoresen (Gresham Smith, Design Team) gave a 5-minute verbal presentation and the Chairperson printed copies of the slides for members in attendance;
- One participant commented about making sure that where access was increased, the Project Team will consider potential negative impacts to adjacent neighborhoods, using East Palisades and the Chattahoochee Nature Center as examples of places where parking backs up into adjacent streets;
- One member of the NPU asked to make sure that Chattahoochee Riverkeeper was involved and was satisfied to hear about their and other organizations’ work with the Chattahoochee Working Group;
- One participant asked about the percentage of land publicly owned land along the river;
- NPU A meetseveryfirst Tuesday at 7:00pm at the Atlanta Speech School on 3160 Northside Parkway. The Chairperson is W. Brinkley Dickerson, Jr.
NPU D Meeting on August 27th, 2019:
- The NPU-D meeting was attended by Walt Ray (Trust for Public Land, Project Management Team), Kevin Bacon (City of Atlanta, Project Management Team), Erin Thoresen (Gresham Smith, Design Team) and Dr. Na’Taki Osborne Jelks (Design Team);
- The meeting was attended by approximately 40 people (excluding government officials, our team, and representatives of business owners scheduled to give updates or make presentations before the NPU-D body);
- Erin Thoresen (Gresham Smith) gave a succinct presentation of the Chattahoochee RiverLands project with a slide presentation;
- There were no questions or comments in response to the presentation–however, attendees were observed picking up project fact sheets, stickers, and Chattahoochee RiverLands business cards both before and after the presentation;
- NPU D meets every fourth Tuesday at 7:30pm at the Agape Youth & Family Center on 2210 Marietta Boulevard. The Delegate Chairperson is James Martin.

- The NPU-G meeting was attended by Walt Ray (Trust for Public Land, Project Management Team) and Kevin Bacon (City of Atlanta, Project Management Team) and Erin Thoresen (Gresham Smith, Design Team) and Dr. Richard Milligan (Design Team);
- Dustin Hills, District 9 City Councilor, voiced support for the RiverLands project in his opening address to the NPU;
- The Chattahoochee RiverLands presentation was delayed in the agenda by a lengthy debate about a request to rezone property adjacent to Westside Park at Bellwood Quarry, a component of the Atlanta BeltLine. By the time this discussion concluded it was 8:20 PM and people were starting to leave;
- The Team heard concerns about the lack of affordable housing options (at a mix of income levels) and concerns about gentrification. Participants also voiced a desire for retail/commercial uses that members of the NPU can easily access. There were no specific comments regarding the Chattahoochee RiverLands presentation;
- One resident from Smyrna approached Erin Thoresen (Gresham Smith, Design Team) after the session to ask about the nearest access points to the Chattahoochee from where the meeting was held. Erin mentioned the forthcoming park at Riverview Landing and pointed her in the direction of the nearby CRNRA units – Paces Mill and Palisades;
- NPU G meets every third Thursday at 7:00pm at the Fire Station #28 on 1925 Hollywood Rd NW. The Delegate Chairperson is Olga Reynolds.

- Kevin Bacon (Atlanta City Studio Director, Project Management Team) gave a succinct overview of the Chattahoochee RiverLands project;
- There was only one question in response to the overview: “Is there flesh-eating bacteria in the water?’ Kevin responded with respect to there being water quality improvements.
- There was a sign-up sheet for people to be contacted if they’d like further information.
- The meeting agenda was attended by 35 to 40 people (excluding government officials, the Project Team, and representatives of business owners scheduled to give updates or make presentations before the NPU-H body).
- Although there was no other public questions or comments on the project, Na’Taki Osborne Jelks (Mph, PhD, Spelman College, Design Team) personally engaged with two meeting attendees prior to the meeting (including Mrs. R.R. Harris, former NPU-H Chair and leader of Friends of Collier Park) who asked questions about the location of the greenway and where residents would be able to access it. Na’Taki let them know that the trail alignment had not been completed yet and that there would be upcoming opportunities to receive updates and give input at the public meeting this fall. Mrs. Harris also suggested that in the future, there should be guided canoe experiences on the Chattahoochee that are led by strong swimmers and indicated that this would be helpful to introduce more people from communities who are not currently connected to the river.
- NPU H meets every first Thursday at 7:00pm at the C.T. Martin Natatorium and Recreation Center on 3201 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive. The Delegate Chairperson is Barbara Hubbard.
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