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RiverLands Administrator
Ecology & Habitat
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On the River with Chattahoochee Riverkeeper

As part of the team’s driving tour, the team got in a motorboat at the Medlock Bridge boat ramp with Jason Ulseth and Eric Fyfe from Chattahoochee Riverkeeper (CRK) to learn firsthand about the conditions along the Chattahoochee River. Over the hum of the motor, Jason told the team about the mission of the organization – to advocate and secure protection and stewardship of the River, its tributaries and watershed. He also outlined the five core program areas of the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper including the Floating Classroom, Water Planning & Conservation, Water Quality Monitoring, Enforcement, and Legislative Work. As we neared the water intake in Johns Creek, Eric told the team about the Neighborhood Water Watch, a program that empowers individuals to sample and analyze the water quality in their local creek for turbidity, conductivity, optical brighteners, and E. coli levels. Don’t miss the next annual CRK Sweep the Hooch event that brings together walkers, waders, and paddlers to clean up over 40 areas along the river starting at the headwaters of Lake Lanier to West Point Lake!

This site visit was part of the 100-mile Windshield Driving Tour – a multi-day driving tour along the banks of the full 100-mile river corridor from December 10-14, 2018. The tour allowed the Design Team to ground truth GIS data with on-the-ground site explorations, photography and video documentation. The Design Team engaged with the community members and interviewed stakeholders on the river as face-to-face research that informs the project and forces an authentic identity for the Chattahoochee RiverLands Greenway. Download the full summary of the tour to learn more.