Rogers Bridge Trail

Paid Parking, Picnic Area
Hiking, Walking
Bamboo Forest
5:30 AM - 9:00 PM
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Paid Parking, Picnic Area
Hiking, Walking
Bamboo Forest
5:30 AM - 9:00 PM
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Hike the dog-friendly East Palisades Trail on the banks of the Chattahoochee River in Atlanta. Climb to beautiful views from towering bluffs and explore a small bamboo forest. The park’s weaving and winding network of trails may confuse some hikers, but nearly every trail intersection is signed with a trail map. It’s still relatively easy to get turned around, though, so if you go, we’d highly recommend running a GPS app. The east side has a canoe launch, though this is not on any of the National Park Service maps.
Share your sights and stories as you experience how the RiverLands changes and grows over time. Just like you. Visit us on Instagram at @chattahoocheeriverlands to share photos and memories made along the trail.
The Chattahoochee River and its surrounding areas and network of trails are rich in history and culture, ecology and habitat, and community. Do you have historical information on this trail? Or a personal story? Share with us at riverlands@tpl.org